

The Pendulum from the Pandemic and How to Channel New Energy

Self-discovery & personal growth

It seems like we have been so pent up with fear of the unknown and are all coming out of this surreal science fiction movie. Whatever was lurking below the surface came out in 2020 like the Loch Ness Monster, and months leading into 2021 from over a year of uncertainty has pushed us all in unexpected ways. Now that we live in a slightly "safer" world, the once bottled up energy feels incredibly expansive and we to address the unconscious "monsters" to aid in our personal growth moving forward.

Being in lockdown has shown us many new ways of relating with ourselves and each other—some good, some bad but all real. 2020 was the flashlight into the darkness and with this expansive energy in 2021 it's time to learn about what came up so we can take healthy steps toward wholeness. The energy has shifted from fear of uncertainty, repressed emotions, and exhaustion towards an expansive space where we feel emboldened by our collective power. But we need to be intentional in not letting our new discoveries recede back down under the surface.

There has been a lot of impulsive spending, traveling, and a need to let loose due to the restrictions of not being allowed to do these things for over a year. So it seems normal right? Except, once the initial expansion fades, tuning into what was made conscious by the hardships of 2020 is so important as we focus our energy back into personal growth.

Here are three things you can do to refocus your energy:

  1. Write down the lessons you learned in 2020

  2. Look for pre-COVID repeating patterns or old habits that are creeping back

  3. Find support to help you work through this new awareness

This doesn't necessarily mean going to see a therapist. It can be anything that aids in your new self-discovery like changing your job, moving to a new location, leaving a toxic relationship, or practicing gratitude for the healthy ones. Continue moving forward in this new world but be mindful of the changes you need to make in order to honor what you discovered lurking in the darkness of 2020. Be intentional in integrating your lessons into your new "normal."

For many of us, myself included, we took deeper dives into our inner worlds. I had to say goodbye to a loved one over FaceTime. I had to rethink things I thought were important. It all helped me address other work related goals too. For example, I always had a goal to reach more people virtually but never knew how I was going to do that. I had no idea I was so attached to my office space until 2020 arrived and I was forced to work from home. The idea was always something that I wanted to try but I needed to be pushed. I finally let go of having to be in my office 24/7 as I am sure you have also let go of some past-rooted beliefs. 


I got back to my basics. I relearned that I enjoy bike riding, relaxing more inside my home and gardening. Truthfully, I knew I liked those things but with so many options in the world I didn’t spend enough time finding joy in the day to day. I started cooking more, and quality time with family became even more important. As we move back into what seems to be the new “normal” world it’s important to take the lessons, moments, and insights with us and not fall back into old patterns and habits from our fast-paced pre-COVID world. 

The pandemic forced many of us to slow down and reflect on what’s really important—address the “monsters.” We had to face many issues that came up and from that also might have made space for more meaning in our lives. Mostly for me it made space for more connection with my family, really see how busy I was, and created more downtime for the things I enjoy. 2020 also helped me to become incredibly grounded in my home. I am forever grateful for the pause (even if it was hard and scary at times). 

It has been a challenging year and we are all still coming to terms with the many changes that came about in 2020. It seems we have finally come out of this science fiction movie, but now it is time for us to keep addressing our own personal “Loch Ness monsters” so that we can live healthier lives in 2021 and beyond. The future looks bright as long as we acknowledge what happened last year and keep the good lessons as we continue to work towards healing ourselves before moving back into our old fast-paced life and forget the clarity that came from what we learned.